There is little worse than leaving the hospital without your baby.
It is gut wrenching when someone doesn't realize you lost the baby.
To have to explain over and over that your baby died is heart breaking.
There is something awful about having to put away their unworn clothes.
Putting up "In Memory" photo's instead of newborn photo's seems like cruel punishment.
To watch all of your friends and family give birth to healthy babies is so hard.
Thinking about having another baby is terrifying.
Wondering where your babies are and if they are okay, can drive you crazy.
Second guessing every choice you made is a part of your daily life.
Trying to understand how people can be so inconsiderate is impossible.
Knowing that you gave birth to someone so perfect and pure is comforting.
Holding your child is something beyond incredible.
Watching your husband hold your son is perfection.
To see your family and friends have healthy babies is a blessing.
Doing projects to help yourself and other's is healing.
Thinking of having another baby is exciting.
Moving forward with your life is the only way to survive such loss.