Our story of love, loss, and change.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

My White Sign of Grief

The White Signs of Grief are used to break the silence about our grief and to put a face on our grief. It helps to know that I am not alone. That others are feeling that same thing that I am.

White Signs of Grief is a blog started by a wonderful women named Lindsey. You can check out other signs or submit your own by clicking the below link.

This is not limited to just parents who lost a child. Anyone that was affected by the loss of a child is welcome to post their own sign. I encourage everyone to take a moment and submit a sign to display your own grief.

It took me a long time to decide what I wanted my sign to say. I had a thousand things I could have written. I am grieving for so many things. The reason I chose "I grieve for the memories that we will never have" is because I think this is something that a lot of people that have never lost a child don't realize. It is not just the child that we lost, we lost an entire life. A lifetime of memories and experiences that we will now never have. The moment that Maddox passed away, the life we had in front of us disappeared. 

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