It is only 9 in the morning and already has been a horrid day
There is a terrible thought, well thoughts that I just can't seem to get out of my head
...Where are my babies?
When you don't know your beliefs on Heaven or religion in general
Death is even more difficult to deal with
While holding Maddox for the last time I said to Cody
"How can there not be more for this beautiful little baby?"
I honestly believe that there has to be more
He was so perfect, so pure
An angel
He belongs in Heaven
There must be a Heaven...Right?
But I still can't wrap my head around it
I did not grow up in a religious home
Kinda weird seeing how I grew up in Utah
I am a very blunt and real person
I believe in what I can see
This is why faith has always been so hard for me
It is an on going struggle and it will probably be something I struggle with for a long time
Maybe even the rest of my life
There is just no way my babies lives ended
They can't have just disapeared
Now I just have to make peace with it all